Open a New Business

Want to be a successful entrepreneur?

Open a new business & start selling in less than 48 hours!

Sell your products and services to American clients, as well as worldwide.

Don't have products and services? Need more? We'll help you find a good fit.

Regardless of their location or citizenship, entrepreneurs could sell more to American & worldwide clients using the services available when buying the American Business Package, the Swiss Business Package, or both, according to the specific business needs, product category & marketing strategy.

Need capital? Have a great business idea and need funding?

If you open a new business, we can help with your funding application.

Order any package and we'll apply for the required capital, on behalf of your new business.

With a great business structure, such as the S.P.V.s (Special Purpose Vehicles) available here, your chances to get funded faster increase significantly, so you can focus on launching or expanding your business.

Business Establishment Packages

The American Business Package

The American Business Package allows you to better sell your products & services to American-based clients, since the business is established with focus on the American market. ($299 establishment fee, $1,200 maintenance fee/year).

Establish a new business & get the monthly business administration, management, accounting as well as the ability to receive payments from clients.

All product and service categories are accepted, including, but not limited to those considered to be high risk!



There's no tax or legal liability for you, as you're not the direct owner or shareholder of the business - you only get the profit.

You don't need to register as a shareholder or director. We'll take care of that so you can focus on your business, sell more, increase profits and provide the best products and services to your customers.

Profits will be paid monthly, according to the agreed payment information.

You will be contacted after checkout for details.

Sell your products & services to clients based in the United States with the American Business Package

Establish a new business with the American Business Package & get the following:

Monthly Administration

Monthly Management

Monthly Accounting

The Swiss Business Package

The Swiss Business Package allows you to sell your products & services to worldwide clients, as well as to clients based in USA and UK. ($499 establishment fee, $1,200 maintenance fee/year).

Establish a new business & get monthly business administration, management and accounting, as well as the ability to receive payments from clients.

All product and service categories are accepted, including, but not limited to those considered to be high risk!



There's no tax or legal liability for you, as you're not the direct owner or shareholder of the business - you only get the profit.

You don't need to register as a shareholder or director. We'll take care of that so you can focus on your business, sell more, increase profits and provide the best products and services to your customers.

Profits will be paid monthly, according to the agreed payment information.

You will be contacted after checkout for details.

Sell your products & services to clients based in USA, UK and worldwide with the Swiss Business Package

Establish a new business with the Swiss Business Package & get the following:

Monthly Administration

Monthly Management

Monthly Accounting

● As an entrepreneur who purchased at least one of the packages above, you can access highly specialized support in several areas, including, but not limited to:

Purchase Management

Need products? We’ll help you select the most profitable products, the best fit to your experience, knowledge and target markets.

Just send us a message at and let us know what you need. Our purchase department is able to contact thousands of suppliers for you if you have ordered at least one of the business packages.

Advertising Management

Don’t have the time or the knowledge to promote the business and the website to get clients for your products?

Contact us at and the marketing department will prepare the best advertising solution for the business if you have ordered at least one of the business packages.

Sales & Distribution Management

Need to find wholesalers, distributors and other businesses interested to buy large quantities of your products on a regular basis? We’ll help you select and access new markets and find the most profitable distribution channels for your products.

Send a message to and let us know what you need. Our sales and distribution department is able to contact thousands of wholesalers, distributors and other businesses which may be interested to buy large quantities of your products if you have ordered at least one of the business packages.

Registration of Business Address

Appointment of Nominee Director

Appointment of Nominee Shareholder